About Us

Yasir Mustafa is the driving force behind Pillar Prep. He is a strength and conditioning coach of 10 years of experience working with athletes from team sports such as football, ice hockey, basketball, cricket and rugby, as well as with athletes from individual sports like track & field, and distance running. He firmly believes that comprehensive approach to fitness could improve both physical and mental health and increase professional productivity through improved stress management. Improving physical skills and attributes can be both exciting and challenging and he can make it easier to develop a lifestyle that can support your fitness progression.
Yasir feels that fitness marketing has been distorted to become too focused on body composition and aesthetics, which creates barriers for people who have other health goals and priorities. He emphasizes on developing physical skills and fitness through sports which leads to optimal body composition as by-product.
Achieving sports goals and adopting a healthier lifestyle doesn’t need to be an “all-or-nothing" approach. Yasir makes provide you with an individualized training solution that is manageable and easy to adopt into your daily routine.
Yasir is currently based in Grenoble, France and is pursuing his degree in Sports Science and Coaching (STAPS) at the Université Grenoble Alpes. He is a Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) . On top of studying, he competes in track & field, coaches youth at a local tennis club, and works to help his Pillar Prep clients meet their fitness goals.
Let’s Work Together
You can contact me through my site or phone and email.
E-Mail: pillarprep@outlook.com
Tel: +33668994676